

If Love Saves the Earth
















I can't decide why someone would be so stupid as to laugh and someone else cry.
Only parents in our crazy state of mind would be foolish enough to say that love is a way to hurt people.

Assuming love saves the planet.
So where the hell does love come from?
And who is it that shares that love?

For example, if someone in the world gave free love today
And then there's the recipient.
Does it constitute service or exploitation?

If love saves the planet...
If love saves the earth
Who will give us enough love to save?

If we could all live with kindness
This wouldn't have happened.
My sleep-deprived brain can't make that call.

I'll go to bed, get up and work tomorrow.
I can't help but think how much easier it would be if I didn't have to work.
I think labor saves me in a big way.
It's because of my work that I'm able to relate to someone.
I want to be a part of someone's life.
It is lonely to be alone

The only way I can be saved is by putting love into my work.
I'm glad that I can care about someone else, even if I'm like this.

I want to be average, but I'm below average, always screaming to be normal.
If that distortion is called individuality, and if that distortion is denied, I still had no choice but to be a good girl.
Still below average, so you can't be nice, resulting in a mass of self-denial walking around with clothes on.

Still, it took me more than a quarter of a century to realize that only I can truly love myself.

My love can't even save me, but I still want to pretend and think something love-like.